Conroe Noon Lions: Club members bring food, fun and fellowship to Heritage Oaks Assisted Living
Our July 24 meeting was greatly augmented by our concurrent Summer Blood Drive.  Lions SERVE and many members stepped up to donate lifesaving blood supported by the professionals of Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center.  Lions Christie Sproba and Sharon Carr spearheaded this event and are happy to help future project chairs make their blood drives successful. 
Lion Connie Engle reported on the recent vision screening at the Community Assistance Center, and the “Don’t Miss the Bus” Children’s Vision Screening on July 27th at Lone Star Family Health Clinic chaired by Lion Ed Roth.  She also encouraged everyone to sign up to help with the preschool Vision Screenings at many Preschool facilities in October. (read more)
2nd VP Sharene Carr reported on the tremendous output of our Eyeglass Recycling Center to supply numerous international medical missions with quality refurbished prescription glasses. The center also fabricates glasses for economically challenged children in our community.  She encouraged everyone to set a personal “Lion Goal” to participate in the recycling center’s mission. 

Lion Andrew Perry reported on a recent service Saturday outing to the memory care unit at Heritage Oaks Assisted living.  Pizza, ice cream and fellowship brought many wonderful smiles to these senior residents.  He encouraged everyone to come to the August 3rd Service Saturday to help our adopted school, Reaves Elementary teachers set up their classrooms. 

1st VP Tracy Irvine announced the next New Member Orientation. It will be on August 1st, from 5:30 to 7:00 PM at the Club Office.  All new members are invited to learn more about our committees, service projects, club history, and how they can get involved to serve our community and make great friends in the process.   “Seasoned” members of the club will share their experiences and stories. 

President Bryan Rennell recognized our ‘Lions of the Month’ for May and June 2024.  Lion Ed Roth is the May 2024 awardee for his exceptional work in the eyeglass Recycling Center to gather, sort, prepare and package hundreds of prescription eyeglasses for shipment to medical missions.   Our June 2024 Lion of the Month is Michelle Greif for her great work in organizing and producing a wonderful Installation Banquet. 

Our featured speaker was Mr. William F. Skeen, the Executive Director of the 100 Club. They serve in 18 Counties of the Greater Houston Area to provide vital financial assistance to fallen Texas State Law Enforcement Officer and Fire Fighter family survivors. Their great organization has provided over $50million since its establishment in 1953.  Additionally, they engage with those families to free them of massive financial burden at the time of the unexpected line of duty death of a spouse and parent.  

The 100 Club has also provided local law enforcement departments with essential life protecting and mission essential equipment items that have been beyond the financial means of their community but vital to officer safety. In addition to survivor financial support and life protecting equipment, they offer scholarships for officers to attend Sam Houston State University studying criminal justice. Anyone interested in supporting the 100 Club is encouraged to learn more at

For more information, please visit our website,, or call the local club office at 936-760-1666.  You may also call for additional information on any area Lions Club.