"Conroe Lions prepare for annual golf tournament at Lake Conroe Golf Course"
Rob Hamilton / Conroe Noon Lions Club
Greetings to all Lions and readers. May certainly has been a busy month for the Conroe Noon Lions Club. Let’s check the list of accomplishments. First, our Annual Spring Style Show featuring special needs adults from the New Danville community. Watch out New York and Paris. Kudos to Lion Scharlene Valdez and committee. Second, Texas Lions Camp Workday. Over 40 Lions and family members traveled to TLC, our camp for diabetic and physically challenged children and knocked out the entire to-do list to make the camp ready for summer. Memories made. Well done Lion Andrew Perry and committee. Third, 750 scrump-dillyicious sno-cones served to students at the Reaves Elementary School Field Day. Whew, what a day! Thank you, Lion Nicole Moon, and the sticky committee.
But wait, there’s more. We also knocked out our annual ‘kids on the lake’ - fishing tournament for special needs children. Lions persevered through a rainy Saturday for a dozen families to fish, play, feast and have fun. Thank you, VP Bryan Rennell and committee, for the get’r done day! Lions followed up with a vision screening at the Community Assistance Center. Thank you, Lion Connie Engle, and committee. Speaking of the CAC, the Conroe Noon Lions Club was recently recognized at their Legacy Luncheon with the Community Partner Award. Way to go Lions!
Read the full article on the Conroe Courier website!