"Conroe Noon Lions sponsor 10 kids for Lions Camp"
Christie Sproba / Conroe Noon Lions Club
Summertime is here! The signs are all around us with hot temperatures, students out for the summer, and a new Lions year upon us. It’s hard to believe Lion Warner Phelps is finishing his year as president soon. Friday night should be a fun-filled night at the 2023 Conroe Noon Lions Club Installation Banquet at the April Sound — Lakeside Room. Warner will be “thrown overboard” as 1st VP Lion Jason Miller will take over the helm. This year’s theme is “Setting Sail” which aligns with President Warner’s message of, “Row the Boat”. I am looking forward to an evening with some of our best Lions as we celebrate a successful year and kick off a new one.
We are also nearing the end of our membership drive. Committee chair Amanda Anders has been busy collecting applications and counting votes to see who the club “wants to humiliate”. Any Lions who have brought potential new members over the last few weeks have been given a chance to vote. It will be interesting to see what the committee has planned for the upcoming humiliation. Of course, President Warner is in the lead with 10 votes, first VP, Jason Miller has three votes, and well liked second VP Brian Rennell has zero. Get your new member applications turned in this week if you want a chance to vote!
Read the full article on the Conroe Courier website!