Conroe Noon Lions: Club members have a loaded lineup of community service projects this spring
Rob Hamilton/ Conroe Noon Lions
Greetings to all Lions and Courier readers. Opening day for baseball is only a couple weeks away. The Conroe Noon Lions Club has a loaded line up between now and summer. When this article hits the stands Lions will have scored a couple runs with our Service Saturday and vision screening events. Lion Hannah Medley said Lions built footlockers this past Saturday for campers to use while at the Texas Lions Camp.
The hand-crafted wood lockers were built with love, blood, sweat and tears. Well, minus the blood, I hope. Lion Connie Engle and Lions are hosting a Vision Screening today at the Community Assistance Center. This joint effort helps those in our community who may need vision assistance. Members also hand out “readers.” We’ll count these two projects as runs scored. Lions up 2-0.
Up to bat next is the Pete Brashier Memorial Speech Contest on March 27 at Conroe High School. The contest is for CHS junior English students as it prepares them for their upcoming senior year and the strenuous scholarship processes. On deck is Lions assisting Reaves Elementary with their attendance rewards program on March 28. The kiddos love to see us at their school for reading, sno-cones, and other activities throughout the school year. Lions up 4-0.
Batting clean-up is our concession stand at the Montgomery County Fair, April 11-18. Eight straight days of concession operation requires the entire CNLC team to be in the ballpark and ready to play. The concession serves up fan favorites hamburgers, hot dogs, corndogs, chicken tenders, barbecue sandwiches, and more. Members, the last day you can get in the game (work the day of your choice) is at the club meeting this Wednesday. After that we will assign volunteer shifts. Lions went up two more, 6-0.
Batting fifth is nominations for 2024-2025 CNLC board members and officers. Third Vice-President Lion Bryan Rennell is scouring the bleachers for candidates. The club will vote on April24. Batting sixth is the upcoming “kids on the lake”-fishing tournament to be held at Owen Park on May 11.
Lions will provide a day of fishing fun for special needs children. I’m not sure who has more fun, the kids or Lions. Add two, Lions 8-0.
Batting 7-8-9 is our Texas Lions Camp. Lion Shelia Thomas is a member of CNLC and also serves as our District Director for the Texas Lions Camp.
Lion Shelia travels all over our Lions District presenting information and news about the camp and recruiting campers. The camp serves children with physical disabilities, diabetes, and Down Syndrome. Recently the camp has improved its operation by offering family camping opportunities. In 2023 the camp had nearly 900 children attend, ten were sponsored by our club. CNLC Lion Reagan Smith was part of the founding group that established the camp in 1949. The camp celebrates 75 years on April 5th, and we are certainly proud of this legacy. Lion Scott Perry then followed up with an update on the new CNLC cabin at Texas Lions Camp. Our club committed $300,000 a couple years back to build it. So far our club has paid $260,000. The cabin is named for PID (Past International Director) Don Buckalew and Conroe Noon Lions Club. Three of our Lion members - Donnie Buckalew, Bill Miller, and Bruce Wade - were recognized by CNLC with a Jack Weich Award for their time, talents, and resources. Next up, Lion Andrew Perry closed out the presentation by announcing our TLC workday is May 4. Though the camp is 275 miles away, dozens of CNLC members make the trek to put the finishing touches on the camp so it is ready for summer. Lions up 11-0.
Batting as the designated hitter is our Conroe Leo Club for area students ages 12-18. On Wednesday they held a bake sale at the club meeting and raised over $1,700 to help with their service project at the City of Conroe - KidzFest on April 27 downtown. That’s a grand slam for CNLC, Leos, and the community. Lions WIN 15-0!
Lions do so much in our community, region, nation and world-wide. A sincere thank you to our Community Partners of the Week- Scott Law Firm and Brandon Steinman, County Clerk. Without our partners we could not do all that we do as LIONS and as the CNLC.
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