Conroe Noon Lions saddle up for rodeo season

Audrey Winkle/ Conroe Noon Lions

The Conroe Noon Lions Club jumped into this rodeo season by Saddling Up and Saving Lives! Lead by Aaron Denton and VP Tracy Irvine, the CNLC’s Blood Drive was held on February 28th at the Lone Star Convention Center.  Several members stepped up to donate and received a rodeo t-shirt as a thank you. 

Bobby Brennan playing “Jeff Foxworthy” led this week’s ‘Shake it Up’ program with his lovely co-host “Vanna” Helen Thornton. They kept it western with a duel between new members and long-term members in “Are you Smarter than an Oldie.” 
It was a close match with lots of victims. Did you know these fun facts about our club?
•    There is a ‘one knot’ rule for throwing napkins. 
•    Ladoris Cates is currently the oldest member.
•    Roy Morton once forgot his wife’s name when introducing her to the club. 
•    Ricky Morton once stuck a boat during the ‘kids on the lake’ event.
•    The concession stand once caught on fire during the Montgomery County Fair. 


There was also lots of history shared: 
•    Lions Clubs International was founded in 1917 and the Conroe Noon Lion Club was founded in 1939.
•    There have been two women CNLC Presidents (Debi Harrell and Helen Thornton).
•    The eye glass recycling center was started in 2006.  There have been over 120,000 eyeglasses made.
•    Don Buckalew was a past International Director of Lions Clubs International. 

CNLC would like to give a big ‘Howdy’ to the new members who participated in the game:  Ric Millington, Brad Barghols, Marcial Gutierrez, Juliana Skeetoe, and Steve Davis.  

It is not all games with CNLC, but it is always FUN! There are volunteer opportunities coming up if you would like to join these new members in serving. 

Reeves Elementary is getting the gold standard Lion’s treatment with two events in March!  This past Friday, Lion volunteers read to the entire school during 'Read Across America'.  Thanks to the 22 members who helped reinforce the power of reading to these students.  Next Friday, March 8th will be the school’s annual Field Day. Please join us in passing out sno cones and share some fun with these well deserving kids. 

Our Service Saturday projects were started by Scott Perry in 2016. The next Service Saturday is Saturday, March 16th at the Owen Pavilion from 8 A.M. until Noon. Volunteers will be building footlockers for the Texas Lions Camp.  

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