Next came our much loved ‘God Bless America’ and our flag pledges to our nation and state. Lion Ed Dolphin asked God’s blessings on our nation, to those Lions who are ill and have lost loved ones, and to our club. Our ‘Smile’ song was led by Lion Bobby Brennan who always rallies the members to meet the challenges of service committees.
Calling attention to New Members! 1st VP Tracy Irvine announced our New Member Orientation on Thursday, Jan. 23, at the club office. Lion Jake Freeman will be letting our newer Lions know how their Conroe Noon Lions Club gives valuable service to our community, and how they play a part.
Other announcements included a request for Door Prizes at our Wednesday meetings and the Service Saturday project coming up this Saturday, Jan. 18th at Bridgewood Farms. Plus, Lion Helen Thornton reminded us of the District Midwinter Conference and Bob Dowden Dinner – fundraiser for our Texas Lions Camp at the Hilton Houston North on Saturday, Jan. 25th. Mark your calendar to save the date for Thursday, Feb. 13th when our annual “Legend of the Lion” – Dinner/Dance & Auction will take place. It will be a western flair titled ‘Lions under the Lone Star’.
Our program for the day was our annual Drug Awareness Speech Contest which awards scholarship funds to area youth. We had the privilege to hear 3-Conroe High School seniors give their excellent talks on “Policies for Narcan Use in Schools’. The subject discussed the importance of using Narcan nasal spray for a person who has overdosed. It is said that it is a lifesaving nasal spray. Our contestants all gave very informative and interesting perspectives on the drug and the policies surrounding it. We are lucky to have these very knowledgeable students bring us up to date on the facts & figures of what is taking place on the drug scene today. “It’s never too late to teach an old person new information”. Thanks to Lion Byron Stewart, his committee and the assistance of school counselors and administrators for helping with this program.
I hope if you’re looking for a place to get connected, enjoy meeting people but most importantly helping your community, you’ll consider being a Conroe Noon Lions. Till next time.
The Conroe Noon Lions Club meets on Wednesdays, at noon, at the Lone Star Convention Center. For more information about the Conroe Noon Lions Club, please visit our website, www.conroenoonlions.org, or call the club office at 936-760-1666.