"Conroe Noon Lions mourn passing of 67-year Lion Don Buckalew"

Warner Phelps / Conroe Noon Lions Club

Conroe Noon is experiencing yet another bittersweet moment as we celebrate Jason Miller’s ascension to the Presidency while mourning the loss of yet another club monarch. Many who follow our club know the logo for Lions Club international has twin Lions, which per LCI founder Melvin Jones, “represent a lion facing the past with pride and the future with confidence, looking in all directions to render service.” We have said farewell to many wonderful Lions over the past few years and Past International Director Don Buckalew’s passing is one of the most significant for the Conroe Noon Lions Club. There has been no Lion in the history of our club who lived a life to be proud of, while facing the future with confidence and looking in all directions to render service.

Until his health got in the way, I counted on regular phone calls and texts from Mr. B to check in and encourage me as the leader of his beloved Lions club. I can’t express the gratitude and appreciation I have for not only getting to know an icon like Mr. B personally but also getting to call him my friend. I was always impressed to find out how he kept his finger on the pulse of operations of not only this club but everything going on around Conroe. As I ponder Mr. Buckelew’s passing, along with other dear Past District Governors and Past Presidents of this club, I can’t help but wonder, who is going to fill their shoes? The overall success and tremendous momentum Conroe Noon enjoys can all be, either indirectly or directly, attributed to the contributions of “Mr. B” or “Big Don.”
Read the full article on the Conroe Courier website!