Vision screenings, membership drive, Lucky Derby Raffle among November CNLC projects
Rob Hamilton/ Conroe Noon Lions
Greetings to all Lions and readers. The Conroe Noon Lions Club (CNLC) has a plethora of programs and activities goin’ on this month-Vision Screenings, Conroe Noon at Night, Fall Membership Drive, Reaves Elementary, and ticket sales for our annual Lucky Derby Raffle. I’ll touch on each one in this article.
Lion Connie Engle said the club will conduct its last two vision screenings of the year on November 16 and 20. The first for preschoolers and the last at the Community Assistance Center. To date there have been 325 screenings and 37 referrals for preschoolers, an increase from 297 and 32 in 2022. Lion volunteers are needed, contact Lion Connie. Eyeglass Recycling Center experts, Lions Tim Cox and Ed Roth, have been busy processing “a ton” of used eyeglasses, measuring and packaging hundreds, maybe thousands of eyewear for distribution through charitable organization’s mission trips. CNLC receives several tons of used eyeglasses from all the Lions Clubs in the greater Houston area. One way our club fulfills the vision shared and challenge made by Helen Keller to Lions many decades ago.
Lion Steve “W” announced our ‘Conroe Noon at Night’ Fall Mixer, was hosted by the Membership Committee this past Thursday evening at the Table at Madeley. It was a great way to meet and learn about other Lions.
Our Fall Membership Drive is in its second week. Lion Morgan Freeman made a heart-felt appeal for recruiting new members. The theme is “Who’s Gonna Fill Their Shoes?” A song originally pertaining to the loss of music legends. We’ve had a few club legends pass in the last year, so the song hits a soft spot in our Lion’s hearts. Eddie Risha was featured in week one, and Dick Giuffre this past week. More CNLC Lion legends will be featured in future weeks.
Lion Helen Thornton announced we have two approaching programs at Reaves Elementary, our adopted school. Career Day will take place today and the Jingle Bell Bash is on December 15. Volunteers are needed for the latter.
Lion Mike Medved announced that ticket sales for the Lucky Derby Raffle are brisk. All ticket holders have a one in 25 chance to win a prize of $200 or better. The grand prize is a Buckalew Chevrolet, second is a patio furniture set, third is a Fredericksburg Wine Weekend, and fourth is a fire pit from Wilke’s. The cost per ticket is $100. You can buy one at a Wednesday meeting or call the CNLC office at 936-760-1666. Don’t delay, they will sell out.
Our program last Wednesday was presented by Dr. Victoria Constance with Children’s Safe Harbor. The non-profit organization serves our community and three counites by advocating for children, 2-17 years old, who have been abused- sexually, physically, emotionally, or neglected. Abuse typically occurs by someone the child knows and trusts. Dr. Constance reported that over 26,000 children have been forensically interviewed in the organizations twenty-five years of existence. In 2022 Children’s Safe Harbor reviewed 8,271 reports of child abuse in Montgomery, Walker, and San Jacinto counties. Other services include family advocacy, medical and mental health services, and victim advocacy. The organization is currently in a capital campaign for a new building to meet the needs of our community for the next twenty-five years. Dr. Constance noted it’s not just a building, it’s a gateway to a better life for children and families. To report child abuse, call the Childrens Protective Service hotline at 800-252-5400, or go online to
Remember, our Leo Club is collecting coats and blankets for a service project. You can bring your donations to a Wednesday meeting.
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