Club members putting final touches on ‘Lions Under the Lone Star’

Club members putting final touches on ‘Lions Under the Lone Star’![]() Club members putting final touches on ‘Lions Under the Lone Star’ The sun will soon be setting for ‘Lions Under the Lone Star’, our annual Dinner/Dance & Auction Gala on February 13th. Lions are busy corralling auction items, decorations and Lion helpers for the big event. All attendees will be putting on their dancing boots for a performance by ‘Shotgun Road’. A big THANK YOU to all the Live & Silent Auction donors, we appreciate you! |
Life Memberships awarded to exceptional Lion LeadersLife Memberships awarded to exceptional Lion Leaders Conroe Noon Lions celebrate our community, our opportunities to serve and especially our fellow members whose service and longevity exceed all expectations to really make our club extra special. Our Jan 29th meeting was all about those special Lions and many of the club’s leaders stepped up to induct a stellar group into the next level of Lion recognition. As in all meetings, President Rennell called the meeting to order so we could sing “God Bless America” together, pledge allegiance to our Nation’s and State’s flag and introduce guests. Our committee leaders briefed us on important programs such as a very successful Service Saturday at Bridgewood Farm, an upcoming student recognition at Reaves Elementary and a recent, great fundraiser for Texas Lions Camp at the recent District Bob Dowden Dinner. |
Club members assist with vision program in Corozal, Belize![]() By this list alone, you can see how “great” Conroe Noon truly is.
High-school students debate use of Narcan in school setting![]() Enough of that, on to our Jan. 15 club meeting, where we were treated to a delicious menu of fried fish, meat loaf, veggies and sweet peach cobbler! President Bryan Rennell called our meeting to order with a meet & greet for our members and guests, especially our newer members working on blue badge points.
CNLC welcomes Child Advocates of Montgomery County and plan for the Winter Blood Drive on January 29![]() The first meeting of Conroe Noon Lions Club of 2025 on Wednesday was well attended and many visitors and local dignitaries joined us. It’s a new year, and Lions are roaring to hit the ground running. Our Wednesday meetings always begin with pledges and a prayer, greeting fellow Lions, introductions of guests and recognition of Community Partners.
Conroe Noon Lions: Lions mark the halfway point of the year by looking back, moving forward![]() Happy New Year! It has been a complete honor to serve as the President of the Conroe Noon Lions Club; or better known as the ‘greatest Lions Club in the world.’ And as we mark the halfway point in our club year, it’s inspiring to reflect on the incredible journey we’ve shared and the impact we’ve made together. Starting the year amid the challenges of Hurricane Beryl, we have demonstrated resilience and a deep commitment to service. This year has already been filled with significant accomplishments, and we are poised for even greater success in the months ahead.
Conroe Noon Lions: Clubs ‘Lions Under the Lone Star’ Fundraiser set for Feb. 13![]() Firstly, we want to thank our Community Partner of the Week - Sondag Enterprises - for your support for our club. These partners help support programs like our annual Christmas Food Baskets which are set to be delivered to our recipients December 18th. Second VP Sharene is corralling all Lions to assist with boxing on December 17th and organizing the trail ride for delivery. These baskets bring food & hope to those in need during this holiday season. Do you hear those sleigh bells coming? This week we will host our Cowboy Christmas Social where we will have a contest for the best dressed Christmas Cowboy and Cowgirl. To serenade the club that day we will have Jim Sloan and of course we will have the Saloon open with our traditional Egg Nog! Santa is coming to town to Reeves Elementary on Friday, Dec. 20th for the Jingle Bell Bash from 9-12 pm. Lion Elves will help Santa pass our goodies to the children and make sure they are on the nice list. Hopefully we will fill up every child with the Christmas Spirit so Santa’s sleigh will be ready to fly! |
Conroe Noon Lions: Roundball Roundup Basketball Preview![]() The Conroe Noon Lions meeting was HOT with excitement even though the weather was COOL. The big drawing for our 2024 Lucky Derby – Car Raffle was on everyone’s mind, but first we had Lions to recognize, area basketball coaches to speak and our cherished customs and activities. Three door prizes from Lions Connie Engle, The Players Theater Company/ Jaime Ballard and Ginger Clement ranging from a gourmet barbecue sauce collection to a date-night of theater tickets and even homemade banana nut bread were awarded to the lucky ticket holders. The generosity of our door prize donors makes every meeting exciting. Lion Karen Gordy reminded everyone to bring items for the Christmas Baskets going out to our community seniors. Full size toiletries and personal care items are needed, and we are counting on everyone’s generosity to make these baskets very special this year. |
Conroe Noon Lions: 'Kids on the Lake' fishing event set for Sept. 21 at Owen ParkConroe Noon Lions: 'Kids on the Lake' fishing event set for Sept. 21 at Owen Park By: Stacey Falletti Imagine walking into a room that is hustling and bustling with laughter and conversation. The buffet is ready and as the room is filling up, you see people you know, people you don’t know and people you want to know. The first question I always ask myself is, “’Where am I going to sit?” I always sit at a different table because I want to meet as many people as possible. Over the last 12 years as a Lion, I have sat at every table, and I have yet to meet everyone. I choose my table at the front right corner and get ready for another great meeting. Our President Bryan Rennell rings the bell, and the meeting begins by honoring our great nation and a prayer for those near and far. Lion Wes Carr started the introduction of guest with a joke. Lion Ricky Morton was to lead our club song, ‘Smile,’ however he must have forgotten the words, twice, because he started with singing ‘Happy Birthday” and then “Row, Row, Row your Boat?” |
Conroe Noon Lions: Lions members hear from Montgomery County Appraisal District staff
Conroe Noon Lions: Club members support Montgomery County Fair through auctions, concession stand
Conroe Noon Lions: Club members manning the Lions concession stand for hungry fairgoers this week
Conroe Noon Lions Club: Texas Lions Camp recruiting campers for summer camp for children with disabilities
Conroe Noon Lions: Club members prep for upcoming Montgomery County Fair concession stand
Conroe Noon Lions: Club volunteers build 20 footlockers for Texas Lions Camp
Conroe Noon Lions: Club members have a loaded lineup of community service projects this spring
Conroe Noon Lions: Club members read to students, help with field day at Reaves Elementary
Conroe Noon Lions saddle up for rodeo season
Conroe Noon Lions' 'Lion“ o’clock Somewhere' fundraiser full of fun, chill vibes
May's Big As Texas Festival to bring awareness to mental health, suicide prevention
Lions upcoming dinner, dance fundraiser to have a tropical paradise theme
Conroe Noon Lions prepping for Feb. 15 Legend of the Lion Dinner/Dance
Conroe High students compete in Lions Drug Awareness Speech Contest
Conroe Noon Lions set Feb. 15 as date of Legend of the Lion dinner, dance
Conroe Noon Lions finish off the year in service to the community
Catherine Prestigiovanni drives off as the Lucky Derby car raffle winner
December packed with activities for the Conroe Noon Lions
Basketball coaches visit Conroe Noon Lions for Roundball Round Up
The late Don Buckalew remembered during CNLC membership campaign
Vision screenings, membership drive, Lucky Derby Raffle among November CNLC projects
Conroe High students showcased in CNLC's Diabetic Essay Contest
Storyteller Leah Lamp offers chills, thrills at pre-Halloween Lions meeting
Conroe Noon Lions 'Leading Lady' gives sneak peek at Owen Theatre show
Conroe Noon Lions gear up for busy year
Lions mourn passing longtime leader Stewart
Lions hear from area football coaches
Pigskin Preview"Conroe Noon Lions annual Pigskin Preview meeting set for this Wednesday"Rob Hamilton / Conroe Noon Lions Greetings to all Lions and readers. So, why don’t celebrities worry about the heat? They have a lot of fans. Made you grin, possibly a little chuckle? I hope so. Having fun while serving our community is high on my priority list. I truly believe this is a common trait for the 300-plus members of the Conroe Noon Lions Club. This month we started a new Lions Club year and I’m anticipating fun and frivolity as we navigate through our annual community projects and endeavors. It seems to me that as soon as a new year starts, it ends. Time flies by when you’re engaged. If you’re stuck in “meh,” take yourself out of park and shift into drive by attending a meeting, Service Saturday, or one of our many projects. Let’s move on to the updates from our last Wednesday meeting. |
Celebrate Legacy"Lions celebrate legacy of Don Buckalew, look to the future with 11-year-old presenter"Will Warren / Conroe Noon Lions The date of Wednesday, July 12, was a special day at Conroe Noon Lions Club as we remembered a legendary Lion and welcomed a local community leader with a generous and youthful heart. The Club watched a video clip showing the late Mr. Buckalew sharing about how he became a Lion and when he joined the Conroe Noon Club. The club members stood out of respect for his words as the images played across the screen. |
Lions Mourn Don Buckalew"Conroe Noon Lions mourn passing of 67-year Lion Don Buckalew"Warner Phelps / Conroe Noon Lions Club Conroe Noon is experiencing yet another bittersweet moment as we celebrate Jason Miller’s ascension to the Presidency while mourning the loss of yet another club monarch. Many who follow our club know the logo for Lions Club international has twin Lions, which per LCI founder Melvin Jones, “represent a lion facing the past with pride and the future with confidence, looking in all directions to render service.” We have said farewell to many wonderful Lions over the past few years and Past International Director Don Buckalew’s passing is one of the most significant for the Conroe Noon Lions Club. There has been no Lion in the history of our club who lived a life to be proud of, while facing the future with confidence and looking in all directions to render service. |
Inspirational Mattress Mack"‘Mattress Mack’ delivers inspirational speech to Conroe Noon Lions"Rob Hamilton / Conroe Noon Lions The Conroe Noon Lions Club had perhaps one of its largest club meetings in history this past Wednesday at the Lone Star Convention Center. Our Community Partners Appreciation Luncheon brought together approximately 325 Lions, Community Partners and guests to break bread and hear about how, where, and who receives funding from the CNLC charity fund. Lion Jason Miller, our new President, first recognized the four levels of partners - Knights of the Blind, Guiding Light, Vision Ambassadors, and Sight Savers. Over half the room was standing proudly. |
CNLC is Growing"Conroe Noon Lions grow with 8 new members"Morgan Freeman / Conroe Noon Lions The Conroe Noon Lions Club 2022-23 year has finally come to an end, and it went out with a bang! This past Friday night was the annual installation banquet at the April Sound Lakeside Room. It was a perfect setting for our ‘Set Sail’ theme to end a yearlong mission to “Row the Boat.” The CNLC welcomed all new club officers and our next fearless leader: Club President Jason Miller! A fun night was had by all, and we are ready for another successful year. |
CNLC Sponsors Kids for TLC"Conroe Noon Lions sponsor 10 kids for Lions Camp"Christie Sproba / Conroe Noon Lions Club Summertime is here! The signs are all around us with hot temperatures, students out for the summer, and a new Lions year upon us. It’s hard to believe Lion Warner Phelps is finishing his year as president soon. Friday night should be a fun-filled night at the 2023 Conroe Noon Lions Club Installation Banquet at the April Sound — Lakeside Room. Warner will be “thrown overboard” as 1st VP Lion Jason Miller will take over the helm. This year’s theme is “Setting Sail” which aligns with President Warner’s message of, “Row the Boat”. I am looking forward to an evening with some of our best Lions as we celebrate a successful year and kick off a new one. |
Speech Contest"Pete Brasher Memorial Speech Contest"Conroe Noon Lions Club Last week the Conroe Noon Lions Club held a multigenerational meeting with their Pete Brasher Memorial Speech Contest, so named for a beloved past president and program chairman, the contest is held at CHS for junior class students in preparation for upcoming senior class scholarship contests and is based on the Lions International 5-global causes. Pictured from the left are Arisha Itrat, Kathryn Quarles, Pete's daughter Danielle Rapp, and Adrianna Loafman. |
Installation Banquet Set"Conroe Noon Lions 2023-24Installation Banquet set for June 16"Eddie Davis / Conroe Noon Lions Club Good morning Conroe/Montgomery County, summer has arrived. On behalf of the Conroe Noon Lions Club, we want to congratulate our educators on an outstanding year of teaching and keeping our children safe. We also want to wish all of our parents and children a safe and happy summer. Plus, congratulations to all of the new graduates of all levels, we wish you the best and may you always dare to do great things. CNLC held their 37th annual golf tournament at the Walden Country Club on Thursday, May 25. Thanks to “Paddling for Par” tournament Chairman James “JB” Boyd and Walden on Lake Conroe Golf Pro Danny Jones and staff for putting on an excellent event. The “Paddle up”- chipping with a boat paddle and “Life Saver”- putting into a life vest, gimmick holes added to the fun. Of the 188 players, the winners for the AM flight were the Conroe Welding Supply team of: Ryan Morton, Kris Ogorchok, Randy Barcus, David Abercrombie and for the PM flight went to the Sam Houston Memorial Funeral Home team of: Will Smith, Jeremy Woodward, Garret Sanders. |
Annual Golf Tournament at Lake Conroe"Conroe Lions prepare for annual golf tournament at Lake Conroe Golf Course"Rob Hamilton / Conroe Noon Lions Club Greetings to all Lions and readers. May certainly has been a busy month for the Conroe Noon Lions Club. Let’s check the list of accomplishments. First, our Annual Spring Style Show featuring special needs adults from the New Danville community. Watch out New York and Paris. Kudos to Lion Scharlene Valdez and committee. Second, Texas Lions Camp Workday. Over 40 Lions and family members traveled to TLC, our camp for diabetic and physically challenged children and knocked out the entire to-do list to make the camp ready for summer. Memories made. Well done Lion Andrew Perry and committee. Third, 750 scrump-dillyicious sno-cones served to students at the Reaves Elementary School Field Day. Whew, what a day! Thank you, Lion Nicole Moon, and the sticky committee. |
Annual Golf Tournament"Conroe Noon Lions preparing for 37th annual golf tournament"Sharene Carr / Conroe Noon Lions Club Greetings from the Conroe Noon Lions Club, the “Greatest Lions Club in the World.” This past week brough another great luncheon meeting with an excellent group of people. Our meeting started with our usual songs, pledges, invocation, and introduction of guests. The Community Partner Spotlight of the Week was Stoecker Corp. Thank you for your support of the Conroe Noon Lions Club.On Monday, May 15, from 1 to 3 p.m., Conroe Noon Lions will be hosting a Vision Screening at the Community Assistance Center. Please contact our club office or Lion Connie Engle if you are interested in participating. |
Spring Style Show"Conroe Noon Lions host annual Spring Style Show supporting New Danville"Rob Hamilton / Conroe Noon Lions Club Greetings to all Lions and readers. As the saying goes, “April showers bring May flowers.” The Conroe Noon Lions Club certainly has a lot of programs, projects, and events blooming this month. According to Committee Chair, Lion Andrew Perry, CNLC had over 40 Lions along with family members travel to the Texas Lions Camp this past Saturday for a workday to prepare the camp for a big summer serving boys and girls with disabilities. It’s also a great time for our Lions to serve outside our community, get to know one another, create friendships, and make memories. I can’t wait to hear at our next club meeting on Wednesday all the tales of accomplishments and calamity. At last week’s meeting we hosted our annual Special Spring Style Show. Committee Chair Lion, Scharlene Valdez, and her committee created an extravaganza the Paris fashion icons would be envious of. Our featured models were special needs adults from the New Danville community. Brooke, David, Alyssa, Jordan, Judith, Seth and Jessica each sported a themed attire for “A Day at the”… Beach, Fishing, Bowling, you get the idea. |
TLC Camp"Conroe Noon Lions: Texas Lions Camp work weekend coming up May 5-6"Christie Sproba / Conroe Noon Lions Club The Conroe Noon Lions Club is plenty busy with a lot of spring activities ahead. First Vice President Jason Miller did an excellent job last week filling in for President Warner Phelps and congratulations to Lion Debbie Hooker on working hard to earn her permanent badge. Last week our Vision Screening Committee attended Healthy Kids Day at Travis Intermediate School, screening over 145 students. |
Kids on the Lake"Conroe Noon Lions ‘Kids on the Lake’ fishing event set for May 13"Will Warren / Conroe Noon Lions It was a memorable day of birthday announcements and entertaining “speed dating” as the Conroe Noon Lions Club members gathered this past Wednesday at the Lone Star Convention Center. We were reminded quickly about the incredible legacy and leadership our Club has had over the years when the Lions joined in serenading Past President & Past District Governor James Stewart. James was gracious as many members came over and posed for a photo with him for his 88th birthday! |
Pete Brasher Speech Contest"Conroe Noon Lions host winners of Pete Brasher speech contest"Eddie Davis / Conroe Noon Lions Club On behalf of the Conroe Noon Lions Club, we would like to say thank you to all those that came out during the Montgomery County Fair and supported all of the exhibitors during the livestock and non-livestock showings. The Montgomery County Fair Association is the largest scholarship program in Montgomery County, providing an estimated $150,000 in scholarships yearly. |
Workforce Education"Conroe grad ‘Meme’ Davis presents program on workforce education at Conroe Noon Lions"Will Warren / Conroe Noon Lions Club Welcome to another Wednesday with Conroe Noon Lions Club! April is full of action and events. First off the Pete Brashear Memorial Speech Contest is scheduled for April 12, we will honor Past President Ralph Perez with the Past District Governor Distinguished Achievement Award at the District Convention on April 21 and April 22 at Houston Hilton North and then on that same day (April 22) there will be a Vision Screening for kids ages 2-14 at Travis Intermediate School from 8:30 a.m. to noon. |
Lions at the Fair"Conroe Noon Lions: As Montgomery County Fair kicks off, C. Pat Davis discusses CNLC Fair Buyers Group"Sharene Carr / Conroe Noon Lions Greetings from the Conroe Noon Lions Club, the “Greatest Lions Club in the World.” Wednesday brought another great luncheon meeting with an excellent group of people. Our meeting started with our usual songs, pledges, invocation, and introduction of guests. It was a men vs women battle on our weekly song rendition of “Smile” with the men clearly leading the way in terms of volume. The Community Partner of the Spotlight of the Week went to Pierson & Pierson, CPA’s. Thank you for your support of the Conroe Noon Lions Club. In honor of longtime Lions Club member, Dick Guiffre who recently passed away, all fines collected during club this week will be donated to our beloved Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville Texas. |
Lions Mourn"Conroe Noon Lions mourn passing of 2 longtime members"Rob Hamilton / Conroe Noon Lions Club Greetings to all Lions and readers. It's great to be a Lion! This article I’m sad to report two of our Lions passed recently. Lion Dick Giuffre died suddenly of a heart attack. Dick was a member for over 34 years and served the club as President in 1994-1995. Lion Dick’s wit and humor will be missed. Whenever he came to the podium or introduced a guest, Lions would shout out “stand up Dick” in reference to his height. In my memories he will have always walked tall with a getter’ done attitude. In Lion Dick’s honor- WHOOP! Our prayers and condolences to his wife, Elaine, and family. Lion Ann Johnson, a member for almost 13 years, was 105 years old when she passed. |
Lions Concessions"Conroe Noon Lions will man fair concession booth March 24-30"Morgan Freeman / Conroe Noon Lions Club With the Dinner/Dance & Auction now in the rear view, all Lion eyes are looking ahead towards the Montgomery County Fair, and it is coming up fast. The fair runs March 23 through April 2, and the Lions Concession Stand will be open March 24 through March 30. Make sure you stop by, meet some of the Lions in the community, grab a snack, and support local Lionism. |
Fair Preparations"Conroe Noon Lions prepare for Montgomery County Fair later this month"Will Warren / Conroe Noon Lions Club Since 1957 one signature event has been able to provide millions back to the youth of Montgomery County while also providing nearly two weeks of entertainment, delicious food, and indelible experiences for all involved. The Montgomery County Fair & Rodeo is back for its 66th year and this week we had the opportunity to hear about the impact of the event and also prepare for another year of Lions Club support. |
Montgomery County Fair Concessions"Conroe Lions prep for Montgomery County Fair concession booth"Eddie Davis / Conroe Noon Lions Club Conroe Noon Lions Club is gearing up for the 2023 Montgomery County Fair, starting the week of March 23 through April 2. CNLC has operated the Fair Grounds concession stand since the early 80s. The Montgomery County Fair has been an annual ritual since 1957 and has awarded in excess of 2 million dollars in scholarships since its inception. |
Legend of the Lion 2023"Conroe Noon Lions: ‘Legend of the Lion’ dinner, dance a hit with more than 450 participants"Christie Sproba / Conroe Noon Lions Club Conroe Noon Lions Club celebrated big last week, hosting our annual “Legend of the Lion” - Dinner/ Dance & Auction Thursday night at the Lonestar Convention Center. The theme for 2023 was “A Lions Masquerade,” and with over 450 in attendance, it was amazing to see so many friends, Lions, and community members dressed in their best. |
Legend of the Lion Prep"Conroe Noon’s ‘Legend of the Lion’ fundraiser set for Thursday night"Mike Medved / Conroe Noon Lions Club Hello from the Conroe Noon Lions Club, “the Greatest Lions Club in the World.” We had another great meeting last Wednesday. We began as usual with the singing of “God Bless America” followed by both the “Pledge of Allegiance” and the “Texas Pledge.” Our opening invocation was led by Rev. Raymond McDonald. |
Life Member Awards"Conroe Lions members recognized with TLC Life Member Awards"Rob Hamilton / Conroe Noon Lions Greetings to all Lions and readers. 2023 is off to a roaring start. The Eyeglass Recycling Center reopened with volunteers collecting, sorting, lens checking, cleaning, and packaging in preparation for distribution medical mission trips around the world. The month of January had several club events. Lions assisted with the Attend-Dance Rewards Program at Reaves Elementary School on Jan. 19 the lead by Lion Nicole Moon. |
Plans for Legend of the Lion"Plans underway for ‘Legend of the Lion’ dinner, dance Feb. 16"Will Warren / Conroe Noon Lions Club Our Wednesday club meeting on Jan. 25 was full of recognition, friendly competition, and some wildly entertaining responses by our newer members to their interview questions. During announcements we learned that there is still a need for silent and live auction items for the annual “Legend of the Lion” - Dinner/Dance & Auction event coming up on Thursday, Feb. 16, at Lone Star Convention Center. |
CISD at CNLC"Conroe ISD Superintendent talks growth at Conroe Noon Lions Wednesday"Morgan Freeman / Conroe Noon Lions Club Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will have heard the buzz around town about Conroe’s ranking as No. 6 in the nation for population and economic growth from a new study by SmartAsset. While no surprise to those who’ve looked out their car window in the past 10 years or tried grocery shopping at H-E-B, the statistics on Conroe’s growth are staggering. |
Reflect on '22, Plan for '23"Conroe Noon Lions reflect on 2022 and plan for 2023"Eddie Davis / Conroe Noon Lions Conroe Noon Lions Club is ringing in the new year in grand fashion. Conroe is thriving, having been recognized once again for one of the most robust communities in the nation by a study from the personal finance website SmartAsset. Conroe has seen a considerable economic and population five-year growth of 15 percent and CNLC is widely recognized as the largest civic organization in Conroe/Montgomery County. |